Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mandatory 2012 Recap

“Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.” - Ray Kroc

I accomplished quite a few things this year, but I wish I had done more. Most of my 2012 was spent writing about zombies in one form or another. These are a few of the things I did with my writing time:

  • Three of my short stories were published. Two in anthologies and one in a magazine.
  • I finished in one of the top spots in two short story contests.
  • Laid out the bones of a zombie novel that I will get written soon - I hope!
  • Wrote several articles on zombie survival and training for a magazine.
  • Cranked out most of a novella in a new genre. (Tons of research included)
  • Studied screenplay writing and started work on a few collaborative screenplays.
  • Outlined a new YA novel.
I think that is about it... other than spending November travelling in Europe and December dying of pneumonia. Looking back, a lot of 2012 was spent learning new genres and new formats. This year I want to spend more time actually putting words on paper. Here are the goals I am setting for myself in 2013:
  • Publish the novella.
  • Complete at least two screenplays.
  • Finish first draft of my zombie novel.
  • Write the YA novel.
  • Update this Blog at least once a week.
That seems fairly ambitious, but if I can finish 4 of those 5 bullets that would give me a B for the year and I was always ok with getting Bs in school!

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